It changes shape and volume and tends to relax with the passing years, (it tends to “relax”), empties and fills easily with diet and sports. For all these reasons the inner thigh is a critical area and often requires interventions by plastic surgeons, liposuction and liposculpture. Jennifer Rubell has exploited the popularity of this region to talk about it in a very unconventional in Detroit.
The artist has placed 18 female mannequins in the largest art gallery in Dallas, fixing them on pedestals, (the hips and legs at right angles). A huge container of nuts was placed in the center of the room. To completion of the work/event – news – the visitor is required/invited to use the legs of the dummy as nutcrackers. A very original idea, a bit “ambiguous” in that it focuses on two polar stereotypes about the female body: the idealized beautiful nude and naked power.