The sensational case of Aisha, the Afghan girl who was mutilated of her nose and ears for having attempted to escape from her family abuses, ended, thanks to a shot taken by Jodie Bieber, published on the Time cover in 2010.
Aisha is one of the many witnesses of amputation episodes or burns with acid on the face and other body parts that happen in the world. Plastic surgeons in these cases can perform surgery to correct and reconstruct.
A very delicate task, but the results drastically improve the functions of the scarred parts. Scars can be reduced, making the reconstructed skin as natural as possible, by recreating the invalidated anatomic units victims are able to live serene lives.
Aisha’s case is an example of an extreme case of outrageous violence, but it can make people think about minor plastic surgery operations they would like to do to resolve any aesthetic problems definitely.
Surfing on the web one can see the results achieved on Aisha: a new look that gives hope and courage.